Sales Process Grader

We’re glad you decided to try out our sales process grader! It’s easy to use and the results are instant. First, drag the steps that are part of your current sales process from the "Possible Steps" list to the "My Steps" list. Alternatively, you can click a step and then click the > or < buttons to move it between lists. Second, put the items in the "My Steps" list in the order corresponding to your current sales process by dragging them up and down. Alternatively, select a step and use the up and down buttons to move it.
Possible Steps
  • Meet decision maker
  • Find compelling reason to buy from you
  • Timeline for decision
  • Schedule meeting
  • Present/demo
  • Receive lead or RFP
  • They are committed
  • Decision making process/criteria
  • Meet technical team
  • Tour
  • Have the money/ will spend the money
  • Qualified
  • Value proposition
  • Engage
  • Needs analysis, ID problem, opportunity or pain
  • Proposal or Quote
  • Will spend more with you
  • Ask about money or budget
  • References
  • Sell value
  • Interested
  • Trial/Test/Pilot
  • Determine fit
  • Intro to decision maker
  • Handle Objections
  • Credit worthiness
  • Quantify the problem
  • Talk about capabilities
  • Research lead
  • Talk about ROI
  • Evaluate the opportunity
  • Who is decision maker
  • Close
  • Sign contract
  • Identify a need
  • Negotiate
  • Cold call, or lead follow up call
  • Differentialte yourself
My Steps