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I have got to tell you how wonderful the assessment has been. It has saved me hours of interviewing time. On paper (resumes) they look great and then they either don’t take the assessment, start but don’t finish the assessment or flat out don’t pass the assessment. The cream rises to the top and I get to focus on real potential candidates.
Dave Jacobsen
Sales Manager
United Home Experts
With OMG’s Sales Candidate Assessment available for our face to face interviews, we know exactly how to challenge specific aspects of each candidate’s abilities because the questions are provided in the report. This is very powerful and we interview the candidates on aspects that truly matter for success in sales within our company. This approach eliminates doubts because we build and customize the candidate role specification correctly from the begining and all of the assessment results and recommendations are based on our that role configuration. We are very confident in our hiring decisions with their recruitment process and assessments.
Stéphanie Castang
Certified Human Resource Profesional
Merkur inc
We LOVE using the OMG tool when making sales hiring decisions.
Ann Stefos
RedViking Engineering
We found the Holy Grail of Sales tools. We hired 3 against the recommendation and they all failed, then hired 7 that were recommended and they all became producers! Thank you OMG.
I think we've gone against the recommendations in the assessment only 1 time and man did we regret it! Thanks again.
Gary Bailey
Build Ohio
Good news...the testing has helped us hire some good folks recently. Even in the Philippines.
Michael Damphousse
Green Leads