Free White Paper - The Ultimate Sales Coaching Guide: The Data Behind Sales Managers of Elite Teams

Sales teams are the backbone of a company. That's why growing companies invest so much to develop elite salespeople. For over 30 years, Objective Management Group (OMG) has analyzed the performance of salespeople and their managers. We’ve analyzed more than two million sales professionals. Our analyses give sales leaders and CEOs the diagnostic tools to pinpoint areas for improvement.
Coachable sales teams are winning sales teams. Drawing from extensive research and industry expertise from OMG Partners, this guide reveals what the sales managers of elite sales teams do differently to consistently get strong performance from their salespeople.
Whether you are a sales consultant looking to establish a coaching culture for your client or a CEO seeking a repeatable formula for peak performance, this guide provides the knowledge and tools to drive meaningful change and achieve outstanding sales results.
There are countless sources of thought leadership for developing high-performing sales teams. However, no other guide is built on a foundation of data with deep analysis from more than two million sales professionals.

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